Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Open Shift by Redhat

For using Red Hat Open Shift, you can start by getting a free account at https://www.openshift.com/

It should not ask anything more than a username, an email id and password to log in to.

After creating an account, you can create an application to start developing your website with.

In my  case, I selected Wordpress, as it seemed the simplest thing to do.

Getting a good sub domain name could be tricky but luckily I got what I required. 

You can find this website online till the time I keep editing it or keep adding content. After a good amount of unused duration, they may delete this website to save storage space at OpenShift.

Multiple programming languages are available to develop the website and web applications.

You can do Wordpress, Drupal 7.0, JBOSS, Java, PHP with ZEND, RUBY ON RAILS, DJANGO, Google Go language, etc.

There's a lot to choose from!

Enjoy your cloud services.

Jino Thomas

profile for Jino at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers